The House In Bristol

History of Master’s Life
The House In Bristol
Source: Lady Blomfield, The Chosen Highway
‘Abdu’l-Baha spent most of His time in London during this first visit to Britain, but He also visited Bristol. He stayed in the Clifton Guest House, and on the first night He gave a talk to over ninety people, telling them about the teachings of Baha’u’llah. On the second day
of His visit, He went for a walk with some of the friends through the woods and beautiful countryside. On another visit to Bristol, He conducted the wedding of two Baha’is who had come all the way from Persia to have their marriage blessed by ‘Abdu’l-Baha. The house where ‘Abdu’l-Baha stayed is in a peaceful spot on the edge of the town with a view of the open fields and hills beyond. And we can stand in the quiet street outside and say a prayer and feel His sweet presence everywhere.
“Will this misery-laden world ever attain happiness?” a visitor asked one day. The Master replied:
“It is nearly two thousand years since His holiness the Lord Christ taught this prayer to His people: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.’ Thinkest thou that He would have commanded thee to pray for that which would never come? That prayer is also a prophecy.”
” ‘Abdu’l-Baha, when will the Kingdom come? How soon will His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven?”
“It depends on how intensely you, each and every one of you, serve day and night. Ye are all torches that I have lighted with mine own hands. Go forth, light others till all the separate waiting servants are linked together in a great Unity.
“Those who are working alone are like ants, but when they are united they will become as eagles.
“Those who work singly are as drops, but, when united, they will become a vast river carrying the cleansing water of life into the barren desert places of the world. Before the power of its rushing flood, neither misery, nor sorrow, nor any grief will be able to stand. Be united! It is rather dangerous to be an isolated drop. It might be spilled or blown away.”