Minneapolis: Playing a Humble Part

Part 1
The Minneapolis Bahá’í Center is a block away from the spot where George Floyd was killed in May 2020. When surrounding streets were shut down for months due to protests, the center set up an improvised food pantry. Since then, Baha’is have been strengthening connections with the local community through shared acts of service.
This 5 part series tells the story of how one Bahá’i community is learning to translate love into action in response to a tragic injustice in their midst. Although media can be a passive process with viewers looking in on the actions of others, it is hoped that you will actively engage with these segments as a tool to further your own efforts to improve our society. The guide linked below provides excerpts from messages of the Universal House of Justice and National Spiritual Assembly of the United States that are referenced in the videos along with questions for your consideration. Naturally, you might develop additional questions based on your own meditation on the oneness of humanity. You might also find it helpful to read the guidance and questions before watching the video segment.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
And please share with us your thoughts, experiences, and ideas for other stories that could be included in the Rich Tapestry series.