‘Abdu’l-Baha in Lincoln Park

History of Master’s Life
‘Abdu’l-Baha in Lincoln Park
Source: Star of the West/Volume 3/Issue 4
Culminating in a Typical Bahai Meeting Under the Trees of Lincoln Park, Chicago.
By Honore J. Jaxon.
DURING ‘Abdul-Baha’s stay in Chicago at the Plaza Hotel, it became a matter of frequent occurrence for him to take a morning or evening stroll in Lincoln Park—…where lawns and woods extend northward from the hotel for several miles along the shore of Lake Michigan.
On these occasions it was usual for him to accept the escort of any of the friends who might have the good fortune to be on hand and at leisure at the time of starting…
Near the lakeward side of the middle portion of the park is an unusually well stocked zoological department. The many strange and beautiful forms of bird and animal life herein presented proved very interesting to ‘Abdul-Baha, as he walked among them… and it was here that Abdu’l-Baha was moved to grant permission for the first of the pictures taken during this stroll…
“Beautiful,” was the comment made by ‘Abdul-Baha in English, and with quiet but loving emphasis, as he gazed northward from the parapet of the bridge. His glance comprehended both the wide-spread panorama and the placid waters beneath, and there sprang into being among the friends present a strongly marked impression, that he was moved to special prayer by becoming innately aware of the thrilling human experiences connected with the scene.
…‘Abdul-Baha led the friends toward the lake, and taking one of a number of seats conveniently disposed under a group of trees, invited the friends to likewise be seated. They found themselves arranged in a circle, and, after dictating an answer to a letter which had been read to him that morning as he had walked along, ‘Abdul-Baha suddenly commenced talking to them in a strain of intimate and friendly counsel…
“Some of you may have observed that I have not called attention to any of your individual shortcomings. I would suggest to you, that if you shall be similarly considerate in your treatment of each other, it will be greatly conducive to the harmony of your association with each other.” And then, as a concluding… “I want you to be organized like a flock of the doves of Heaven, whose attitude and conduct toward each other is a symbol of that which will take place among human beings when human beings shall become willing to accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” With these words, the homeward course was taken, and so concluded a typical and memorable Baha’i meeting in a park, which will ever hereafter be associated in memory with the blessed influence of the “Servant of Baha.”