‘Irfan Colloquium for studies in Baha’i Faith sets 2019 calendar
Irfan Colloquium, a friendly gathering held several times a year in an informal and collegial atmosphere, provides unique opportunities for meeting and associating with people interested in Baha’i studies.
The colloquium program includes presentations by scholars from different countries on systematic studies in fundamental principles of Baha’i beliefs, the Writings of the Central Figures of the Baha’i Faith, and the interface between the Baha’i Faith and current intellectual and religious trends. Participants receive a free set of recent ‘Irfan publications.
Schedule of sessions for 2019:
- May 23–27: 157th (Persian) and 158th (English) ‘Irfan Colloquia, Bosch Baha’i School, Santa Cruz, California
- June 20–26: 159th Irfan Colloquium (Persian), Center for Baha’i Studies, Acuto, Italy
- June 27–30: 160th Irfan Colloquium (English), Center for Baha’i Studies, Acuto, Italy
- July 18–21: 161st Irfan Colloquium (German), Tambach Seminar Center, Tambach, Germany
- October 3–6: 162nd (Persian) and 163rd (English) ‘Irfan Colloquia, Louhelen Baha’i School, Davison, Michigan
Program information and registration:
Mail: ‘Irfan Colloquium
c/o Baha’i National Center
1233 Central St.
Evanston, IL 60201-1611